Monday, July 11, 2016


Its nothing but little drawbacks of master branch, has made a whole day workout for users and contributors. At the first try, you may get some errors during the build (grunt build || make ), such as

  • >> libcef_dll/ctocpp/views/ error: ‘>>’ should be ‘> >’ within a nested template argument list
    >> void CefDisplay::GetAllDisplays(std::vector>& displays) {
    >> ^
    >> make: * [out/Release/] Error 1
    Warning: Task "build-linux" failed. Use --force to continue.

  • >> make: * No rule to make target 'out/Release/', needed by 'out/Release/"'. Stop.
or, you may get something like this when running grunt setup
  • Warning: Fetching "" failed with HTTP status code 403 Use --force to continue.

Actually, this error is because adobe haven't upload the above CEF files for linux to their servers, so you have to download it manually from, no matter what version of CEF you downloaded (but latest versions or provided would be better) but remember to convert .7z to .zip file and rename it with the name given with the error (, and make a downloads directory at the project root and save this file, now its alright to proceed with grunt build; but in most cases you will be met up with the first two errors, if its not, and build successful you're lucky.

But if it's not successful the best thing is instead of using master branch you can use linux-1547 branch with CEF 1547, surely it will build successfully for your machine, in case of 403 error related with CEF, you can just download it and provide to the brackets shell.
  • adobe/brackets-shell(github):
  • adobe/brackets-shell(linux-1547):
  • cef-builds: